c = commissioned, p = premiered, r = recorded
Aguilar, Moses - The Restless Commemoration of Marble [c,p]
Ahmetjanova, Asia - Aleph
Chin, Hong-Da - Berserker [c,p]
Chorev, Yoav - Pag [NA p]
Deyoe, Nicholas - 19 E. Main St., Alhambra, CA 91801 [c,p]
Gregson, Edward - Alarum
Griffeath-Loeb, Brian - Crapiccio
Hynds, Aaron - breathing machine, breathing machine [b], breathing machine [c] (p)
Kourliandski, Dmitri - Tube space [NA p]
Kraft, William - Encounters II
Lang, Istvan - Aria di Coloratura
Lippe, Cort - Solo Tuba Music
Penderecki, Krzysztof - Capriccio
Penn, William - Three Essays
Persichetti, Vincent - Serenade No. 12
Poore, Melvyn - Vox Superius
Reck, David - Five Studies for Tuba Alone
Scelsi, Giacinto - Maknongan
Schwartz, Laura - Left Out [c,p]
Shepard, Craig - For Frank
Stevens, John – Salve Venere, Salve Marte
Stevens, John - Suite No. 1
Stevens, John – Triumph of the Demon Gods
Tucker, Colin - center unmoored in the presence of infinite fringes [c,p]
Wolff, Christian - Tuba Song
Solo w/electronics
Bjørntvedt, Kaja - Tubanitis
Deyoe, Nicholas - Wouldn’t Need You
Fulton, Ruby - Breathe [c,p]
Hackbarth, Glenn - Low End [omaggio:cm]
Harvey, Jonathan - Still
Hynds, Aaron - dark rooms filled with formless people who breathe bitter shrouds [p]
Isaacson, Kurt - abscess [c,p]
Lazarof, Henri - Cadence VI
Nono, Luigi - Post-prae-ludium, per Donau
Rice, Carter John - Code Fragments [c,p]
Roy, Élise - Digestion of Memory [c,p]
Srinivasan, Asha - Dyadic Affinities
Weber, Monte - Colossus [c,p]
Witkin, Beatrice - Breath and Sounds
Solos with Piano
Bach, J.S. – Air and Bourree
Broughton, Bruce - Sonata for Tuba and Piano
Casterede, Jacques - Sonate pour Tuba et Piano
Ellerby, Martin - Tuba Concerto
Firsova, Elena - Euphonisms
Gregson, Edward - Tuba Concerto
Gubaidulina, Sofia – Lamento
Heiden, Bernhard – Concerto for Tuba
Hindemith, Paul - Sonate for Tuba und Klavier
Hynds, Danny - Darkness Comes to Valinor [c,p]
Koetsier, Jan - Concertino
Marcello, Alessandro - Oboe Concerto in D minor
Marcello, Benedetto – Sonata in F Minor
Plog, Anthony - Nocturne
Romhanyi, Aron - Parallels
Stevens, John - Journey for Contrabass Tuba and Orchestra
Stevens, John - “Autumn,” from Seasons
Stevens, John - Five Muses [c,p]
Subotnick, Morton - The First Dream of Light
Vaughan, Rodger - Concertpiece No. 1
Vaughan, Rodger – Concertpiece No. 2
Vaughan Williams, Ralph - Concerto for Tuba in F Minor
Vaughan Williams, Ralph - Six Studies in English Folk Song
Wilhelm, Rolf - Concertino
Yagi, Ryosuke - Behind that gingko tree
Solos with Large Ensemble
Barat, J.E. - Introduction and Dance
Broughton, Bruce - Concerto
Catozzi, Andrea - Beelzebub
Curnow, James - Concertino
Arban, J.B. - Variations on ‘Blue Bells of Scotland’
Ewazen, Eric - Concerto for Tuba and Orchestra
Vaughan Williams, Ralph - Concerto for Tuba in F Minor
Aguilar, Moses – Wreckage About a Dragging Mountain [p] (tuba, contrabass, bass voice)
Baker, Claude - Omaggi e Fantasie (tuba, piano)
Brockshus, Isaac - Aperture [c,p] (tuba, percussion)
Brown, Earle - December 1952 (variable)
Cage, John – Atlas Eclipticalis (variable)
Dietz, Christopher - Winter Sunset
Egli, Jake – Ashen Fringe [p] (tuba, contrabass, percussion)
Feldman, Morton - Durations III (tuba, violin, piano)
Feldman, Morton - Vertical Thoughts 5 (tuba, celesta, violin, soprano, percussion)
Heiden, Bernhard - Variations for Solo Tuba and Nine Horns
Hynds, Aaron - Logic Array [p] (tuba, bass drum)
Hynds, Danny – Beyond the Primal Sludge [p] (4 performers)
Knox, Garth - Jonah and the Whale (tuba, viola)
Masson, Askell - Shadows (brass quintet +soloist)
McCallum, Clinton - Jejunum Pummeller [OH p] (tuba w/electronics, drum set)
McKnight, Sam - Fulfill [c,p] (tuba, bass clarinet)
Riley, Terry – In C (variable)
Nehlybel, Vaclav - Ludus (tuba trio)
Sass, Jon - Meltdown (solo tuba w/tuba ensemble)
Snowden, Steve - Take This Hammer (tuba/euph quartet)
Young, Katherine - Diligence is to Progress as Magic is to Flight [r] (chamber ensemble + violin w/electronics)